At 30/10/2002 08:58 [], David H. Adler wrote:
I have *no* idea what the schedule is yet, but my dad and I may be
heading over to london to see some theatre.  Current thinking is
something like the 14-17th.

Hopefully, I'll be able to see some of you if this occurs.
In that case we will have to have another pubmeet. I hope you Americans feel some shame for the damage to our livers you're occasioning...

Are there any other pubs on the list? I'm a huge fan of Madden's Ale House in East Finchley, but it's not really central enough to make a suitable venue...

Can we come to a consensus about which day would suit a pubmeet best?


S. Joel Bernstein :: joel at fysh dot org :: t: 020 8458 2323
"Nobody is going to claim that Perl 6's OO is "bolted on". Well, except
maybe for certain Slashdotters who don't know the difference
between rational discussion and cheerleading..." -- Larry Wall

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