On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 11:34:53AM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:

[ question and explanation elided ]

> And the reason I know all this - blame Abigail.
> (a sig with ******  something which has the value 1. ie 0 ** 0, which perl is
> treating as 1. I don't know enough serious maths to know if 0 ** 0 is well
> defined. See perl6-language for more maths)

0 ** x and x ** 0 have different limits as x approaches 0, so if I
recall correctly , 0 ** 0 is an indeterminate form, but it is generally
accepted (I think) that 1 is the most useful answer because that makes
little things like the binomial theorem work properly.

Disclaimer - it's many years since I did any real maths.

[ Now waiting for someone to say "it shows", and give a real answer. ]

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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