David Cantrell wrote:

If I have nest maps, like so ...

map { map { foo } bar }

is there any (elegant) way of getting at the outer map's idea of what $_
is from within the inner map?  I'd rather not use a temporary variable
if at all possible.
How about an alias instead? For example:

	map { local *outer = \$_; map { foo $outer, $_ } bar } @list;

Of course, in Perl 6 it's trivial:

	map -> $outer { map { foo $outer, $_ } bar } @list;
	map -> $outer { map -> $inner { foo $outer, $inner } bar } @list;
	map { map { foo $OUTER::_, $_ } bar } @list;
	map { my $outer := $_; map { foo $outer, $_ } bar } @list;


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