Does anyone here have experience using both MySQL and PostgreSQL to some
reasonable degree they could offer tips or anecdotes on moving from one
t'other? I'd be interested in any other comparative experiences too like
speed, ease of use, etc.

The reason I'm thinking of moving is that I have a schema that has a lot
of references to references to references to ... so lack of sub-selects
and cascading deletes is starting to turn into a nightmare. (I get the
impression a lot of the MySQL apps simply don't use DELETE :-) That
phpPgAdmin exists is another great help...

How close is PostgreSQL to Oracle in terms of its SQL capabilities? I've
come from a Oracle background so if there's more stuff I won't have
maybe I should think twice about PG and just embrace (the other) Larry.
Or Sybase?


Paul Makepeace .......................................

"What is the color of your soul? the sound of your love? One that makes
 you laugh."

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