On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:52:54AM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:14:00AM +0000, Kate L Pugh said:
> > This is what I want for Christmas:
> >   http://www.dabs.com/products/prod-info.asp?quicklinx=137J
> ObPlayStationHater:
> Why get a bad console with only 5 or 6 good games on it when you can
> geta  better console with more good games available 4 of which come *for
> free* with it for less money?
> Game/EB are currently selling an Xbox with Jet Set Radio Future, Sega GT
> 2002, Splinter Cell (which makes Solid Snake look like a rejected member
> of the Killer Instinct cast) and Halo for about 160 quid. In my opinion
> (and I know I'm like a broken record on this) you'd be far better off
> with that.
> I think the only decent games [0] you can't get on the Xbox is the GTA3
> series. Which are better on the PC anyway. Oh and Frequency.

Crikey, I don't have a ps2, but would consider getting one just for
GTA3:VC and ISS Pro Evo 2. And I would play ISS Pro Evo 2 more than any
Xbox game I've got.

Halo does rule though, just not as much as Tribes 2 online.

Metroid Prime on the gamecube however, I'm *really* looking forward to that
(why didn't I get a NTSC GC?). And I see the new Zelda just got 40/40 from

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