On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 05:54:24PM +0100, Robin Berjon wrote:
> Gzip and Apache::Clean are your friends.

Gzip because it's actually net faster to compress the outgoing data to get
rid of outgoing connections sooner? Or just because CPU is cheaper than

> To keep IO at sane(r) levels, at the expense of memory, you may want to 
> enable mmap on your lightweight Apache front-end. It usually has noticeable 
> effects.

I believe that thttpd serves files via mmap, and my understanding is that
it's very fast for serving static content (and free, although I don't offhand
know what the licence is). Also Zeus is certainly fast for static content, but
costs money. Whether it's sufficiently faster to pay for itself in machine and
hosting space savings, I don't know.

Nicholas Clark
Brainfuck than perl?    http://www.perl.org/advocacy/spoofathon/

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