On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 22:33, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 17:53, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> > Has anyone else used FCGI recently? (I heard it was a bit shabby in
> > yonder days.) In particular what situations is mod_perl a real win, and
> > worth putting up with the pain?
> Did goole not find the paper wot I wrote for Emap?
> http://www.hodgkinson.org/comparison.html


<neck out>

I don't agree with the original statement that programming for FastCGI
is intrinsically easier than mod_perl (and anyway: who uses vanilla


Nice article, but doesn't really answer the question, which is: is
FastCGI as scalable as mod_perl? 

Has anyone actually done any benchmarks, are there any numbers?

Let's not mess about, our victim (says he) needs 300 page views a
second. This isn't a matter of opinion here, this is solid number

Give the man something useful to chew on.

</neck out>

Mind you he hasn't said how big the pages are. I would just like to
remind our viewers that 100Mb / sec / 300 = 33 Kbytes. This is a bit
erm... small in modern HTML usage and also takes no account of boring
things like latency, processing overhead, collisions, speed of the
internet in general etc etc etc.

I am still old, so don't hit me too hard.


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