I finally got around to releasing my XML::Schema module(s).  They're not
complete, in that they don't support everything that W3C XML Schema
does (which is perhaps a Good Thing, given that it is possibly the most 
turgid and bloated W3C spec ever).

Nevertheless, they do collectively implement a schema based validating 
XML parser, which isn't to be sniffed at.  It also has a neat extension 
mechanism (which I call "XML Schedule") which allows you to attach your own 
callbacks to particular parts of the instance document for performing
further validating and/or post-processing operations.

Other than tidying things up a little today, I haven't touched the
codebase in about 18 months.  Things may be dusty, even dirty.  There
are a couple of examples with it, but nothing too monumental.  

I bet some London.pm hackers will be able to find some cool stuff to do 
with it.

You can get it from CPAN some time soon, or right here right now:


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