* the hatter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I will open the bidding with a 486DX2-66 Running Debian 2.2 (still
> > working as a firewall/NAT)
> I see your dx2-66, and raise(/lower) you my dx2-50.  Curses, if onlyI
> hadn't found that machine in a skip a year or two back,

Hmm, the 486 was around 93/94 wasnt it? if so i raise you an original
indy which i am currently using as an X server and writing this email
on. the indy was released about 92/93 IIRC. and yes it has perl on it.
(its running debian if anyone is interested).


Greg McCarroll                         http://www.mccarroll.org.uk/~gem/
                                   jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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