On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 07:37:53PM +0100, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Just about everything I get in my hotmail account is spam...
> And that address has never been publicly advertised by me anywhere, ever.

I signed up for a hotmail account recently so I could use MSN Messenger to
talk to some people. Spam started arriving within a day, despite my never
having used the account, and having made sure that I wasn't listed in any
'directory' (read: spam harvester's delight) of theirs. This suggests to me
that there is something deeply fucked about hotmail at a profound level.

$x='4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c'#                    Earle Martin
.'206861636b65720d0a';for(0..26){print #            http://downlode.org/
chr(hex(substr($x,$y,2)));$y=$y+2;}    #   http://grault.net/grubstreet/

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