Shevek wrote:
> > [1] Template Toolkit :)
> Yeah but it'd take me that long using [1] too. This is a (very good for
> its task) product which is missing a dispatch engine and many useful
> tools. 

On one hand I could argue that TT is deliberately missing a dispatch
engine and many useful tools because it's a template engine, not an 
e-commerce or even a web application engine.  

On the other hand, I could point out that Template::Service is the dispatch
engine in TT and you are free to subclass it any way you like to build your
own dispatch engines.

But I'm not in the mood for arguing anything... :-)

Either way, you're going to need a lot more than just TT for an e-commerce
system, but many of those components are freely available (e.g. Openframe),
or can be written easily.  

> I'd be genuinely interested to hear how you actually find working with
> Interchange. I think I finally zenned it after a week, then I gave up.

I went googling for info on Interchange and found this:

Doesn't look too promising...


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