On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 06:12:26PM +0000, Dave Cross wrote:
> This really is ancient history. I think it was very soon after the mailing
> list started up (so well over four years ago).
> My copy of that mailbox has long since gone awol, but some of the other
> pioneers might well have a copy.

user/passwd: pony/pie

You want the 1998 mailbox.  Isn't it a Good Thing that I asked Dave for a
copy of his archives from the list's early days a couple of years ago.

It looks like $streetmap_person didn't contact the list originally, it
started with one of us moaning on-list about it being slow.  After a
few posts, Dave mailed streetmap offering our services.  They certainly
seemed interested, judging by the reply which you forwarded to the list.
Penny Bamborough from streetmap joined the list a few days later.

Oh how naive we were at the time.  Here's a few choice snippets, with names
removed to protect the guilty.

" I'm pretty sure that as London.pm we could knock out a pretty good
  solution for them. If it were to extended into TPI and related folks
  it could become a pretty credible OpenSource project. "

" > FYI, http://uk.multimap.com/map/places.cgi is faster...
  Hah! It won't be once we've rewritten streetmap.co.uk in Perl. "

" > I gues what we need is a 'streetmap tsar' who can co-ordinate us and liase
  > with StreetMap.
  I might be able to shoe horn in some to time for that. "

" Seriously, The SQL solution seems more sensible to me. "

" The site currently serves >35,000 hits per day and runs on a UUNET Windows
  NT 4.0 server with a 10Mb link to their Internet backbone. Because of the
  technology, we have to rent the whole box for ourselves (15k pa) "
    (coo, what a HUGE load :-)

" For a perl beginner, cgi-lib is probably better than CGI.pm as the syntax
  is simpler. "

" he proclaims that 'all CGI programs should run under ... -Tw ... use
  strict' [...]  Hmph.  Could'a fooled me. "

David Cantrell | Data Archaeologist | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

   I hear you asking yourselves "why?".  Hurd will be out in a
   year ...
        -- Linus Torvalds, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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