On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 01:35:37PM +0000, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> Also, I would guess that well written C++ is faster than well written 
> perl for some tasks.

For nigh-on all tasks!  But remember, programmer time costs a lot more than
run time.

>                    And I would guess based on guessing that IIS scales 
> better over multiple CPUs than Linux/apache

Not really.  Linux (on x86) scales well to two processors, and pretty well
to four.  Above four it's a bit uurgh.  Apache likewise, as the OS will Do
The Right Thing and run different apache processes on different processors.
NT (and therefore I assume Win2K) scales pretty similarly.  Above four
CPUs, you need a custom version of NT, and you don't get a great deal of
benefit anyway.  IIRC IIS runs multi-threaded instead of as multiple
processes, but again, the OS tends to distribute threads across all the
available processors in a fairly sane way. </oversimplification>

As you stated (in the bit I've snipped out) it's more common to parallelise
across many small machines than to have a small number of honking great
big ones*, so the point is rather moot.

And please remember, Linux is not the only Apache platform.

* - those multiple small machines might be partitions of a single big
machine of course, like a Sun Ebignum or some IBM behemoth.

David Cantrell    |    Reprobate    |    http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

   Educating this luser would be something to frustrate even the
   unflappable Yoda and make him jam a lightsaber up his arse
   while screaming "praise evil, the Dark Side is your friend!".
                              -- Derek Balling, in the Monastery

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