On 11 Feb 2003, Dirk Koopman wrote:

> Yes, maybe, but show me one of these systems that _consistantly_
> produces faster code than someone who is "talented". I willingly agree
> that the code is physically produced faster - but it don't go as well. 
> And this is the nub of it. Basically there aren't enough "talented"
> people to go around. Therefore people try to throw ("talentedly"
> programmed) machines at the problem to try to get a better result than
> average. But that is all you will get: slightly better code a lot
> quicker. 

Fantastic, I'll take that. It will also be cheaper, so I get my product to 
market quicker *and* I make a bigger margin on it. Cool.

Sorry, I'm a painter and decorator, not Michelangelo.


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