David Cantrell wrote:
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:56:01PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:

        Given the feedback on suggestions about perl debugger tutorials, I
don't think many perl *users* use the debugger, so to me that explains why
no-one in the world noticed it sooner. To most perl users, the debugger is
not fundamental.

I'd use it if I knew how <shrug>.

It's easy. After starting your script with "perl -d script.pl", there's only 3 commands. One of them is "q" to quit[1]. Next is "n", to go the next line of your code. Repeat until problem found. Last comes "x" to display data structures.

Yes, print Dumper( $foo ) statements liberally sprinkled around are easier.

Yes, there's breakpoints and all that guff, but if you want that, RTFM.


[1] I'd expect ^D to work like every other known Unix app,. but it does some weird funky shit to the terminal.

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