On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 03:38:56PM +0000, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> > There would be less Email Viruses if ?
> "There would be fewer Email Viruses if:"
> 'Less' is for singular, 'fewer' is for plural. ('More' can be used
> with both.)
> </pet-grammar-niggle>,
> Paul

What do you mean for plural, since both have to do with quantities?  I
think of it as 'less' is things you can't count and 'fewer' is for
things you can.  Less sand, fewer grains of sand. Or less email, fewer

Oh.  I see what you're saying now.  Same thing I am, but since I'm
dense, my way seems easier to remember, or at least figure out when
you need to.


A whole lotta hoot and just a little bit of nanny

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