On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 02:06:12PM -0000, Andy Williams (IMAP HILLWAY) said:
> Should give me

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Text::DelimMatch;

my $file = join $/, <>;

print join "\n", get_tokens($file);

sub get_tokens
        my $text = shift || "";

        my $mc   = Text::DelimMatch->new("\\[%","%\\]");

        # pre declare
        my @tokens;

        # loop through all the matches
        # Why isn't this a standard method in Text::DelimMatch?
        # And if it is then why is it badly documented?
        while (my $match = $mc->match($text))

                # clean up
                $match =~ s!^\[%(.+)%\]!$1!;

                # push the match in
                push @tokens, $match;

                # and reset $text so that we don't loop infinitely
                $text = $mc->post_matched() || "";

        return @tokens;


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