People were asking me for more details on the Tech Meet last night, so now
I have them I'll let you know:

Celia Romaniuk will be speaking about FOAF, a standard for describing
relationships between people.  She's been working at the BBC to use this
to map the interactions between the characters in everyone's favourite
grimey London soap, Eastenders, and hopefully she'll tell us all about it.

Jo Walsh and Matt B will be doing a "tag team talk" on RDF, irc bots, and
things of that ilk.

Bill Hailis from Yahoo! will be giving a high-level talk on "Notifier",
the network-transparent, message-passing system based on a
publish/subscribe model which they use to synchronise their network
architecture.  Written in Perl, naturally.

Nigel Hamilton will be presenting the first of two talks he's agreed to
give informing us of the current state of affairs of the laws regarding
Intellectual Property (without actually touching on the politics of the
matter.)  This month he'll be covering Trademarks and Domains;  Next
month: Copyright.

Nik Clayton will be talking on his personal experiences in redeveloping the
wheel when it comes to online photo applications, and how he's managed to
produce what he thinks is a rounder wheel than any of the other

Finally, Ivor Williams will be giving a lightning talk on the VCS::Lite
module that he's developed.

As I said previously I'm really looking forward to this tech meeting.
The topics are broad, and there's defiantly as much in the talks for the
advanced Perl programmer as there is for the complete novice.

There's a couple of speakers that offered talks that I haven't got back
to, which I feel terrible about;  The truth be told, I'm having a very
disorganised week.  Could the speakers please email me and tell me if
they'd be willing to do the talks at a later date?



#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
print q{Mark Fowler, [EMAIL PROTECTED],};

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