On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 01:03:33PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello London.pm
> first let me apologise, I know this mail will be accompanied by an HTML
> version & I don't know how to prevent it. Outlook swears I'm using plain
> text but somehow it doesn't end up that way. So, sorry...
> This is intended to re-sort STDIN according to a regexp:
>       my $rxp  = $ARGV[0];    
>       my %seen;
>       print $rxp;
>       while (<STDIN>) {
>           if (my ( $code ) = /$rxp/g) {
if ( my ($code) =~ /$rxp/g ) ... surely? ie, s/=/=~/
>               push @{ $seen{$code} } , $_;
>           }
>       }
>       for (%seen) {
>       # could maybe sort these by the key
>           for (@$_) {
I haven't seen the '@$_' syntax before. I'm sure the rest of the list
will shout if it's not legal, tho. Do you mean something like:
        print for @_; 

>                print;
>            }
>       }
> It won't work with strict because I get "Can't use string ("AA") as an ARRAY
> ref while "strict refs" in use." How do I use a proper array ref? Any other
> comments very welcome...

In my experience, this is usually due to a typo. ICBW, YMMV, IANAD.
> cheers,
Sorry not to be more help.

> Tom SW

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