On 13/03/03 14:30 +0000, Robin Szemeti wrote:
> ahh 2 wheels good, 4 wheels bad. well done sir. Can I recommend you promptly 
> nip over to http://www.ixion.org.uk/ and join the mailing list ... it is to 
> motorcycling what london.pm is to programming .... only less on topic.

"2 wheels good, 4 wheels bad" depends entirely on what you're doing.

Transporting my new desk from Neasden to Islington last night would
have been a right pain in the arse on any form of 2-wheeled transport.

As, for that matter, would be getting the 100-150 quids' worth of
booze we always seem to end up buying before we have a party.

Getting to work in the morning on a bike, on the other hand, is way
preferable to driving. Non-polluting, with no congestion charge and no
parking nightmare either.

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