On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 11:38:11AM +0000, Christof Damian wrote:

> so far I only found rackspace.co.uk, but I am sure there have to be
> more around. hosteurope.com looked really good too, but they are all
> german and want a german bank account.

Try www.dedicated-servers.co.uk it's Host Europe' UK hopsting/colo site.

However, if you do go with them ensure that your stuff ISN'T in the
London hosting centre, we have half a rack there and we've had
numerous connectivty problems, and some fairly major electrical suppy
problems.  Have friends who have kit in there Nottingham centre and
they haven't had any such problems.

Several people speak well of http://www.legend.net.uk/, but never used
them myself.

Chris Bannister

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