On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 04:24:16PM +0000, Peter Sergeant wrote:
> I wonder why it is some people find regexes such a mind-twister.

Trying to run before they can walk?  Some of the new stuff confuses the
hell out of me still, but then almost all my regex needs could be fulfilled
even by perl4.  I mostly use 'em as a glorified index().  Because I'm lazy.

Lord Protector David Cantrell     |     http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

    [OS X] appeals to me as a monk, a user, a compiler-of-apps, a
    sometime coder, and an easily amused primate with a penchant
    for those that are pretty, colorful, and make nice noises.
        -- Dan Birchall, in The Monastery

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