Hello Mark and others who replied to my query,
I have managed to delete the offending files so I am now back to the start.

Ivor queried if I was using Activestate on my PC. I installed that without
any difficulty and have been able to run Perl on my PC. My problems start
when I try to upload and run Perl on my web server. I will try again but I
suspect I may be back for more help.

There is one piece of advice I would like to get me going: where should any
new modules which are not part of the core Perl be placed on my web site and
where should my scripts go. I have had conflicting advise from other areas.


Brian Smart

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Fowler
Sent: 18 March 2003 12:00
Subject: Re: Starting Again

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Brian Smart wrote:

> could not be deleted because the directory held files that I could not

You can delete all directories and files within a directory by logging
into your apache box with ssh/telnet, or the command line ftp utility[1].

  bash$ pwd                           # print out where you are to make
  /where/your/files/are               # sure you're in the right dir

  bash$ rm -rf direcory_name          # delete directories children

Be *VERY* careful with this command.  It won't ask you for confirmation
(that's what the -f option means) and it will delete all your files very
quickly.  There's no undo and no undelete.  I've killed laptops with this
command in the past (sorry Leon) though not giving it enough respect.

rm will delete hidden files when it works recursively as in the above
example.  "rm *" (which is what you've probably been using) will however
_not_.  You can list "hidden" files (those starting with a ".") by typing

 bash$ ls -a               # list _all_ files, inc. hidden in current dir
 bash$ ls -a foo           # same for the directory foo


[1] Start->Run "cmd", hit OK, then type "ftp www.servername.com"
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
print q{Mark Fowler, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://twoshortplanks.com/};

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