On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 05:12:35PM +0000, Jon Reades wrote:
> Mongers,
Mongchop to you ;-)
> I've been trying to assemble a simple bash script that will set up some 
> simple VPN tunnels for me when I need to connect to my company's 
> Netscreen box.
> I've made it most of the way there, but I currently need one script for 
> each possible address (e.g. sh /init.d/vpn/, sh 
> /init.d/vpn/
> A much easier way to do this would be to have the bash script get the 
> local IP address by requesting it directly from the client machine. 
> Unfortunately, ifconfig is a little hard to parse if you're not human 
> and using bash, and I can't find any other functions to return just the 
> IP address of, say, en0.
/sbin/ifconfig|grep eth0 -2|grep inet|cut -f2 -d:|awk '{print $1}' would
work, non? for eth0 anyway. that extends fairly trivially to something
for each eth stanza...

why not just use perl? :-p


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