Hello. Here are a couple of notes about how to get from London to
YAPC::NA and the various costs involved. It looks like three Fotango
people and maybe a couple of others will be doing this. If you're
interested, mail me.[1]

Saturday to Saturday would be nice. Something like 14th -> 21st June.

LHR->MIA->LHR is about 460 quid. Quite a lot.
Train/Car to Boca Raton is [unknown].
Accomodation is either $59/day for 4 in a room at the hotel or
$28/day in the dorms on campus:

+ food & drinks

Basically, I haven't organised it yet. A couple of us are looking at
renting a villa for the week, in which case I'll rent a car and we can
do American Pie 2. Or not. When I have details & dates I'll mail the


[1] Although note that I'll be snowboarding for the next 10 days[2][3]
[2] Organising things before going to .ch seems to be the done thing
[3] http://www.astray.com/graphics/bottombar.png
Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/

... Consciousness: that annoying time between naps

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