On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 01:14 pm, Shevek wrote:

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Ian Malpass wrote:

I upload a tar of all five modules, each version 0.01, and call it WWW-CIA-0.01.tar.gz

I modify, say, WWW::CIA::Parser and call it version 0.02.

Do I create a new tarball called WWW-CIA-0.02.tar.gz, including the
updated module, and upload that, or do I just upload the modified module

Upload the lot. It's only 10Kb. We are no longer running at 14.4; management overhead costs more than bandwidth.

Yes - upload the lot. And update the module's distribution version number too (ie: VERSION, or whatever file VERSION_FROM points to in Makefile.PL). You must change the version number of your distribution on each upload to CPAN (or it won't be accepted).

Here's 2 ways you can keep track of versions in a project:

(1) a single version number across all files:
        package WWW::CIA;
        our $VERSION = 0.02;
        package WWW::CIA::Parser;
        our $VERSION = 0.02;

(2) a distribution version, different version in each module:
        package WWW::CIA;
        our $VERSION = 0.02;
        package WWW::CIA::Parser;
        our $VERSION = 0.11;

I prefer (2) because I can use the CVS revision number in each file:
        our $VERSION = (split(/ /, '$Revision: 1.6 $'))[1];

Other things you should do:
* set VERSION_FROM and ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/WWW/CIA.pm' in Makefile.PL
* create a MANIFEST with 'make manifest'
* read http://www.cpan.org/misc/cpan-faq.html#How_contribute_modules

Hope this helps,

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