Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>monger - O.E. mangere, from L. mango (gen. mangonis) "dealer, trader,"
*>from Gk. manganon  "contrivance, means of enchantment." Used in comb. form
*>in Eng. since at least 12c.; since 16c. chiefly with overtones of petty
*>and disreputable. The modern verb is first recorded 1928, from the noun
*>(but there was a verb form in O.E.).
*>   Hmm good job were not Roman or we'd be perlmagno's

In Portuguese, there is a word 'Monga' which sounds like Monger but is a
slang word to describe mongoloids :)

Well, this is a rare, almost-technical word.
Normally, folks use to say "debilóide" to design the poor little brothers and sisters hit by this disfuncion... I think the equivalent english word is "debiloid" (is such word exists).

  My E$0,02.
  Luis Campos de Carvalho
  Analista de sistemas
  Intergal Sistemas

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