En réponse à Stéphane Payrard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> As a special offer, people who will attend one of these courses will
> have a free pass to YAPC::EU (http://yapc.mongueurs.net). We need 6
> people per course (out of a maximum of 8 ) that commit before 15
> June. This is essential to us because failure to do so will compromise
> the coming of these gurus to YAPC::EU that is conditionnally sponsored
> by pythagore-fd ... except if TPF is kind enough to help us.

Mmm, let me restate this. Dan and MJD *will* come to the conference.

Their travel and lodging will be sponsored either by this company
(if they can manage to find a minimum of 6 students per course),
or by ourselves. I'm sure that our budget will allow for it, given our
other sponsors (especially if we manage to have the catering sponsored).

Now, don't start me on how perfect our communication process is... ;-)

 Philippe BRUHAT - BooK

 YAPC::Europe à Paris, 23-25 Juillet 2003

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