On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 05:41:49PM +0100, Ben wrote:
> What circumstances are there under which eval {}; will not trap a program exit ?
> I assume a naughty XS module segfaulting will do for it - but are there any
> others?

The XS module may not directly segfault but rather leave garbage around that causes 
segfaults when they are cleared up.

perl -e 'eval {use Clone qw(clone); $a={}; undef $a; $c=clone $a;print "cloned\n";}'

clone does not directly appear to cause the segfault but the clean up of $c going out 
of scope causes the segfault.

see :- http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=2252 for a fuller explaination.

Hope that helped some


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