On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 09:53:08PM +0000, the hatter said:
> That'd be handy.  With mailman gone, I'm sure no one will need python any
> more, anyway.  We can get also get rid of sed/awk/grep/etc.  Except all of
> those which gnu configure and make require to actually make perl,
> obviously.

Ah pedantry, righteous indignation and hysterical extrapolation - all 
the great traits of mailing lists. [0]

I've only skimmed over this thread and, as a Siesta developer, I am 
obviously biased so please take my comments with a pinch of whatever 
your fancy is.

If I read it correctly Mark was suggesting moving london.pm to Siesta. 
Not removing Mailman. Or, in fact sed/awk/grep. Or even ls. Thus the sky 
will nto fall and locusts will not descend and devour our entrails.

The status of Siesta is currently -

* works fine as the MLM for its own mailing list
* is still being worked on
* has no web based interface

so clearly it's not ready *just* yet to be the MLM for london.pm

But, it maybe in the future.

Now obviously we wouldn't be writing it if we didn't think it would be 
better than Mailman (where better is loosely defined as "does things 
which we think are important which Mailman does not and which were 
easier to incorporate into a totally new MLM than patch Mailman").

Some good reasons for moving over to Siesta

o better support 
We are among you, we developers. Although Mailman support may have 
picked up again recently (I'm not sure, it used to be pretty terrible) 
we are almost certainly guaranteed to be even closer.  

o user configurable preferences 
I think this is the killer. No more whining from Randal about Reply-To 
munging - all he has to do is configure it not to munge for him. And if 
somebody hates supercite - then all you have to do is write a 
de-superciter et voila.

Other applications include marking up a section of text as a buffy 
spoiler and then write a plugin which will allow people to say they 
don't want to receive spoilers from seasons less than $n.

So basically the single most important thing about Siesta is that it 
stops people pissing and moaning - about the fact that a Perl mailing 
list is run on a Python MLM (not actually that big a deal for me), about 
missing features from Mailman, about reply to munging, or supercite or 
archive headers or a whole host of other things.

And I think we all agree that's a good thing. Less moaning equals more 
time for 8uffy, pie and beer.


For those that want the Cliff Notes version. 

So my reading is that Mailman is not going away and that, if l.pm ever 
moves to $other MLM you'll probably never even notice anyway.



[0] Not singling you out. I was just summing up all the good things 
about mailing lists.

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