On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:16:51PM +0100, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> >Note that this is quite safe and the value returned is the current value
> >for YOUR session only; so no need to worry about someone else inserting
> >something or other such race conditions. :)
> Doesn't that depend on whether you're in a transaction or not?  I would have
> thought that you're liable to have it updated if you've got AutoCommit
> turned on.

No, it's still correct even outside of sequences. the current value returned
is always the value for your session.

> I don't know this, I'm just making assumptions about how sequences work. :-)

tut tut ;)

> ># Returns the last ID resulting from an INSERT command
> >sub last_inserted_id
> >{
> >    my $self = shift;
> >    my $table = shift; #should be safe, but check anyway
> >    if ($table =~ /(\w[\w\d\_]+)/) {
> >        $table = $1;
> >    }
> >    else {
> >        die("LBHF.pm/last_inserted_id: Invalid table name: $table\n");
> >    }
> >    my $query = $self->{db}->prepare("SELECT currval('" . $table . 
> >    "_id_seq')");    $query->execute
> Hmmm, big assumptions about sequence names here.  I merely point this 
> out because I'm continually getting annoyed at postgres for truncating 
> min to 32 chars.  This is because I include the table name in my primary 
> key column name though...

True, but (currently) that is the way Postgresql generates sequence names from
serials. Using this assumption works well enough for my internal code.


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