I'm trying to write something that converts HTML into nicely formatted

My current solution:

    use FileHandle;
    $text = "<p>Hello World</p>";
    $fh = FileHandle->new(">temp.txt")
        or die ("Unable to write temporary file");
    $fh->open("lynx -dump -stdin < temp.txt |")
        or die ("Unable to run HTML parser");
    $text = join "", <$fh>;
    print $text;

How can I improve it? I haven't really found anything on CPAN to do what I
want (there are "remove HTML tags" scripts and thing, but nothing with the
formatting power of lynx that I can see).

I'd like to avoid the intermediate file, too. The text will come from the
outside world, so I'd like to be safe while I'm processing it....




The soul would have no rainbows if the eyes held no tears.

Ian Malpass                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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