It's time for the YAPC::Europe auction again, that time of the year where
we try to raise money for the Perl Foundation.  I thought I'd offer you
people a chance to bid by proxy at the auction that's taking place in
YAPC::Europe in Paris at 4.15pm London time.

So what am I offering you a chance to bid on?  Well, wouldn't it be nice
to have the front page of the webpage in English?  Wouldn't it be
nice to tell those terrible terrible french people[1] exactly what
language their page should be in for a whole month?

Well, we can have a shot at this this year at the auction...the only
condition is that have to risk the same arrangement.

So if we win, have to change their page to English for a whole
month.  If win, we have to change their page to French for a
whole month.

Now, obviously this can't be allowed to happen.  So...if you want to put
some funds into these two great cause - the Perl Foundation and the
defeating of the French - then let me know by the way described below.

Pledges towards our fund should be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The
auction happens at 4.15 London time, so all pledges must be in by this
point or earlier.  The bandwidth isn't great here, so the earlier the
better. Alternately, grab me (Trelane) on irc *at* *that* *time* on - but please pledge via email if you can.

Hoping to hear from you soon.


[1] Who are doing a wonderful job with the conference, more power to them.

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
print q{Mark Fowler, [EMAIL PROTECTED],};

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