On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> so thats,
>         25,825
> equivalent in terms of a permanent salary, but without the training,
> pension, stability or expenses of a permie - not to mention little things
> like your evaluation for mortgage approval.

Ha ha ha ! Training for permies ?? You have got to be kidding, the last
time I got a days training in *anything* was my industrial placement at

Also I have yet to receive a Pension from any employer in this industry -
oddly I got a pension and training while working in Hotels, cleaning
hospitals and even working in a supermarket.

> It seems to me that while companies aim to pay the bare minimum for
> contractors they will diminish this pool of resource in the economy,
> in IT especially companies that have very changeable requirements
> in terms of levels of IT resource that they need, killing the contractor
> market (or at least deskilling it) seems like a bad idea.

They are also de-skilling the permies, although not as badly.

I would not advise anybody I liked to get into this industry - it doesn't
really reward skills, loyalty or experience except for a very small

> ah well, maybe its time to be a plumber, after all if your loo breaks
> you cant just expect employees to get by, you wouldn't expect them to
> come to work every day and deal with a pile of shit after all - sadly
> the same isn't true for IT working conditions ;-)

I've been doing a lot of plumbing in my new house - its not that hard if
you spend a little time preparing and have the right tools.



Aaron J Trevena - Perl Hacker, Kung Fu Geek, Internet Consultant
AutoDia --- Automatic UML and HTML Specifications from Perl, C++
and Any Datasource with a Handler.     http://droogs.org/autodia

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