On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Paul Mison wrote:

> On 20/08/2003 at 23:34 -0400, Tara L Andrews wrote:
> >
> >Even then, at least in the case of OS X, one can be bitten.  I found an
> >Installer package for perl 5.8 somewhere on the Net; it messed up my
> >system perl pretty badly.
> Well, that's partly because Mac OS X doesn't really have a native
> packaging system. Sure, there're downloadable .pkg installers, but since
> there's no way of telling which package put a file somewhere, or which
> version of the package did so, or what the version of the file is, or to
> see a list of the packages [0] nor to remove a package [1], I'm standing
> by the 'not really' part of that statement.


    % lsbom /Library/Receipts/Safari.pkg/Contents/Archive.bom | head
    .       41775   0/80
    ./Applications  40775   0/80
    ./Applications/Safari.app       40775   0/80
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents      40775   0/80
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Info.plist   100664  0/80    9486    3265824559
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS        40775   0/80
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari 100775  0/80    761132  3156916282
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents/PkgInfo      100664  0/80    8       2190113219
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Resources    40775   0/80
    ./Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Resources/Activity_Stop.tif  100664  0/80   374 

I know of know pointy-clicky wrappers around the `lsbom` command -- or
more accurately, at the .bom databases inside the .pkg packages -- but
it seems like there is enough information available to, say, write a
tool that could make necessary repairs if files went missing, had their
ownership or permissions changed around, or if symlink targets moved.

Chris Devers        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hype, n.
Any document headed "For immediate release."

    -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

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