
Anyone have experience of installing Perl on Irix 5.3?  I'm sure there are
lots of good reasons for not even beginning to attempt this but putting that
to one side...

The latest I have on the machine, an Indigo, is 5.004 from

I have MySQL 3.20.32a running happily enough on the machine and just want to
do some simple DBI stuff with it.  Latest DBI needs a later version of Perl,
quite understandably so my question is:

A. Do I take a later version of Perl and build that?  If so, which one and
what issues am I going to hit on the way?
B. Do I take older versions of the packages I need to go with my old
hardware, old OS and old database?
C. None of the above.

Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great.

Many Thanks


PS. Apologies administrator for sending this with the wrong email address,
please disregard that copy, Thanks.

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