I want to find a nice, visual, automatic way of looking at my modules' dependencies. I want a script that I can give the name of a module and optionally a Perl version, and get a recursive list of its dependencies and their dependencies, maybe with highlighting to show which modules have never been in core, which modules are core in my Perl version, etc.
Does such a thing or even a start at it exist? I'm sure I remember reading about something like this using Module::CPANTS but I can't find it now.
I have Devel::Modlist on CPAN. It's not quite what you seek, but it may be a stepping stone:
perl -d:Modlist=stop,cpan script.pl
will stop after compilation, but before execution, and print all the loaded modules. It will first check the list against the modlist03.txt file from CPAN and reduce the list so that only the first entry from a given package is printed. I.e., if you used both HTTP::Request and LWP::UserAgent, only one would be printed.
Randy -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.rjray.org http://www.svsm.org
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. -- Rick Osborne