On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 06:15:19PM +0100, Graham Seaman wrote:
> Failure while doing 'SELECT issue_id, title, number, current
> FROM   <table>Site::Issue</table>
> WHERE   current = ? 
> ' with 'SearchSQL in Site::Issue'
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 
> '<table>Site::Issue</table>
> WHERE   current = '1' 
> ' at line 2 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Ima/DBI.pm line 735
> grepping turns up nowhere at all that this <table> is being wrapped round
> class names, let alone where it should be stripped out... and I've got 
> kind of lost trying to track this through the rather convoluted structure
> of Class::DBI and associated modules.

There's nothing in Class::DBI or Ima::DBI that should be doing this.
That said, Class::DBI 0.90 is rather old now, and how all this works has
changed significantly in the last year ...

My main guess would be that $class->table somehow is returning
"<table>Site::Issue</table>". Would that be true?

> Can anyone hazard a guess as to what might have happened here (this is
> Class:DBI 0.90 running on perl 5.6.1), or point me to a more appropriate
> forum?

The Class::DBI list may be able to help you better ...


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