It was pointed out last night that tech meets are becoming
too popular. What I mean is too many people have too many cool things
that they want to tell us about. We have too many speakers :)

A few of us had a discussion about solutions to this "problem" and
my suggestion was that we could perhaps handle the overflow by 
holding semi-regular (maybe every six months or so) Perl workshops
which would effectively be all-day tech meets. This would mean that
instead of scheduling 2-3 hours of talks we could have 6-7 hours of
talks in a day.

I said I'd canvas opinions from the list. So that's what I'm doing.
I'd appreciate it if you could give me answers to the following 

1/ Would you be interested in coming to an all-day Perl workshop?

2/ Would the workshop need to be on the weekend?

3/ Would you consider paying for the workshop?

4/ If you would consider paying, how much would you pay?

5/ Do you have any ideas about appropriate venues?



  It was long ago and it was far away
  And it was so much better that it is today

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