Sorry if you see duplicates of this, I sent it originally from a non-subscribed address

On 23 Sep 2003, at 17:41, Nigel Rantor wrote:

Hi all,

Quick poll regarding modules to provide more OO exception facilities.

Whenever I have mucked about with this I have opted to use Graham's module.

I may have wrote it initially, but it is now maintained by someone else.

I have found that it cannot handle a return within a catch block though, I haven't spent a lot of time exploring this yet but it is giving a couple of other developers some problems at the moment and making the code less clean than we would like.

This is because of the way it uses anonymous subs

I'm really looking for two things.

1) If anyone has any ideas about or has found a workaround that would be great. I may go and have a look at the code myself if I get some time but if anyone has done this already I would love to hear from you.

At one time I was going to re-write it as a source filter. Using anonymous subs has all sorts of unwanted side effects, one being memory leaks in earlier versions of perl.


2) Suggestions as to which exception mechanism module you would suggest using other than, prefereably with reasons.



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