On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:50:24PM +0100, Simon Wistow said:
> This sort of works but can't evaluate variables from other packages.

Which is easily fixed.

package Bar;
use vars qw($somevar);
$somevar = 'stuff with "quotes"';

package Bar::Quux;
use vars qw($someothervar);
$someothervar = 'nooch';

package main;
my $foo    = 'blah';
my $RARRR  = "fleeg with\nlinebreak";
print evalqq(join "",<DATA>);

sub evalqq {
        my $string = $_[0] || return undef;
        $string  =~ s{(\\*)(\$[a-z]+(::[a-z]+)*)}
                     { "\\" x (length($1) / 2) . (!(length($1) % 2) &&
                     do { no strict 'vars'; eval $2 } || $2) }ieg;
        return $string;

Yo! $foo

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