On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 04:16:22PM +0100, Andy Ford wrote:
> I have thought of starting a Southampton.pm group and thought more of
> the basic infrastructure required to support it...
>       1. Beer
>       2. Mail server
>       3. Web Page
>       4. Oh - members I guess!!!

Based on the experience of starting Tyneside.pm, I think the most important
thing is to have (at least) 2 members who will attend regular meetings.
If no-one else turns up they'll have to like each other's conversation
enough to keep the meeting going, and be prepared to do the same again
next month (or whatever)

This probably means that you need at least 3 members who will attend
most meetings, in case 1 can't make it. Otherwise you can't have regular
meetings which new people can turn up to on spec.

If you're not going to have regular local meetings, what is the point of
setting up a local perl mongers group? Beer is already available at many
fine drinking establishments, and people who do not wish to turn up to local
meetings are already catered for by existing mailing lists and web sites.

Nicholas Clark

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