Dear Perl Mo[u]nguers,

This London Perl Workshop, like so many previos years Perl Workshops relies upon a healthy team of volunteers, both tall and short, wide and thin, up and down and in and out, with no exception. Therefore if you would like to participate in this magnificent event by profferring a little of your time it would be much appreciated.

The basic requirement is a willingness to be subjected to totaliatrian rule with little reward...I mean of course to fun, laughter, skiing in Kloisters and bathing in Monaco...tbh it will mostly involving herding speakers and helping them to set up - so some people with technical experience of computers ( \o/ ) would be appreciated (which is all of you, I think).

Please contact mdk(a) if you'd like to help, in fact even if you wouldn't like to help lets go for it anyway.

On a secondary note, it would be nice if we could video as many of the talks as possible for YAPC TV, I am sure that amongst us we know enough budding Luc Besson's who have a passion for video-ing. If this just means we get enough 'loans' of video recorders and people willing to spend a few hours capturing/compressing and getting it to the YAPC TVers then that'd be excellent. Again email me at the above address and I will attempt to sort out what levels of equipment we have and division the labour amongst the many, many of you who will volunteer.



Mark Keating BA (Hons)              |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director                   |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary                  |  Enlightened Perl Organisation          |  | 'Sufficiently Advanced Technology'

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