On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Mark Fowler <m...@twoshortplanks.com> wrote:
> So,
> It's nearly the new year and the time for new projects.  On my project radar 
> for next year is "consider (better) sharding our MySQL database."

There's a bunch of articles on Flickr out there, this one seems pretty decent,



> Now I understand the basic principles behind this and can, if needs be, 
> implement my own wheel, but before I do I'd love to find out what everyone 
> else is doing. Are there any good reference sites out there - MySQL sharding 
> success stories if you will - and how did they do it?  I'm pretty sure that 
> everyone does it slightly differently but the more things I can look at 
> before considering my own implementation, the better.
> Hot technologies (by which I mean what blogs and google have been throwing at 
> me recently) include:
> - Spock Proxy
> - MySQL Clustering
> - Implementing it at the app level.
> What's the collective group think on these?  Obviously (for this list, at 
> least) the app that will be accessing the database is Perl based, so I'm only 
> considering compatible technologies at the moment.
> Mark.

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