2009/1/5 Tony Kennick <0995a06aaeaf6b70e79c3aafd6719...@half.pint.org.uk>:
> On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 02:56:02PM +0000,
> the following was promulgated by Jasper:
>> Cycling in London isn't bad, as long as you don't do anything stupid,
>> like riding up the inside of a large lorry where the driver can't see
>> you. You do get the odd shit of a bus driver, too.
> I think everyone should start thinking about road use in terms more similar to
> the maritime 'rules of the road'[1]. As all the sympathies I build up for
> cyclists as a driver get blown away about once every six months when as
> a pedestrian I have to take emergency action to not be flattened by a
> nutter.

Agreed. I'm always tempted to clothesline idiots blasting through
pedestrian crossings at speed.


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