Although various companies, including Google, have done such analyses,
they are all very wary of publishing too much detail (manufacturer names
and models) in case they get sued for libel. Don't be surprised at the
dearth of hard information.

So far as disks are concerned, all disks have flaws. The worst ones go
into consumer grade computers; the better ones are sold in the server

On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 21:49 +0100, wrote:
> Hi,
> Can somebody please point me in the direction of some authorative reliability 
> statistics for server hardware, preferably including add-ons such as disc 
> arrays?
> I case to put together a case for the number of failures we can expect if we 
> replace our hardware every three years.
> Everybody has an opinion but I can't find any proper published data.
> Thanks
> Duncan

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