On Wed, October 7, 2009 7:04 pm, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> LSE just went open source, and I suspect someone on this list
> is one or two phone calls away from David Lester.  I'd like to arrange an
> interview for FLOSS Weekly... can anyone here help?   Thanks.

I suspect (but don't know) that "open source" is an overstatement.
Yes, they are shifting from Windows to GNU/Linux and Solaris (!),
but I doubt they will be open sourcing the software they are buying
MilleniumIT for.  And poking around MilleniumIT's careers page
hints that they will be moving from MS SQL Server to a different
closed source database.

I would have been thrilled (and still will be if my guess is wrong)
if they'd at least gone with an open source database.

> The exchange undertook a swift four-month selection process,
> ‘evaluating 20 alternatives for the future of the platform’ and
> shortlisted four companies in August. The ‘extensive laboratory
> testing’ showed that MillenniumIT was the optimal choice for LSE,
> says Lester.

If you do get the interview, I would love to know details of OS/
database/application software languages(s) for all four of their
shortlisted choices, and any results they can share from their
their testing.

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