Patrick Mulvany wrote:
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:23:51PM +0100, Smylers wrote:
Civil Service guidelines for new software procurement probably insist on
decent accessibility support[*2], but continuing to use legacy systems
which predate[*3] those guidelines isn't inself illegal.

Actually this isn't the worst problem you will have. All Gov type departments 
have very strict controls on software deployment so you would have to get the 
software tested and approved before you could get it installed. Even upgrading 
from one version of software to another is a pain never mind trying to get a 
new piece of software installed. I would not be surprised if total time from 
requesting a piece of software, through approval and installation took 6 months 
to a year and that is with everyone co-operating. If anyone feels the need to 
stick his/her oar in it could be sunk without trace in 30 seconds.

Working as I do in the Ambulance sector, having to liaise with the Prime Contractor, then with Airwave, then with DH, I can confirm that 12 months is a bare minimum!


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