On 31 Oct 2009, at 16:03, B Maqueira wrote:
I need to sort eficiently a large array (~9000) of SNMP OIDs.

I am currently trying the following code:

my @sorted_oids = map { $_->[0] }
                                 sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
                                    map { [$_, pack('w*', split(/\./,
$_))]  } @oids;

But this fails since it outputs before

Any ideas?

That's because "w" format is a BER encoding, and this does not map integers into strings such that ordering is maintained. For example, 16383 encodes to "\xff\x7f", but 16384 encodes to "\x81\x80\x00" which string-sorts earlier.

Relatively few encodings *do* maintain that ordering. Big-endian fixed- width does. So I'd use "N*" instead in your pack format, mainly because I'm not entirely sure whether the components of SNMP OIDs can ever be greater than 65535 and thus whether I could thus get away with "n*" to halve the storage required.

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